Tuesday, January 21, 2014

HTRLLAP Chapters 16 & 17

          One of the most memorable books I read in AP Lit last year (and totally hated at the time) was Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. There is some seriously implied sex in the novel, especially when Heathcliff and Isabella get married. Heathcliff, who has no real interest in poor Isabella, lets her become enamored with him as revenge because she is Catherine's sister in law, when all he really wants is Catherine. So they elope and get married as the ultimate act of defiance to Edgar and Catherine, and some sexy times are seriously implied here. This helps develop Heathcliff's character as brutal and ruthless, he did get married to/ have sex with this poor woman just to make Catherine jealous, and Edgar angry. It also shows he's fairly lacking in the feelings department. It also symbolizes the ending of Isabella's freedom and happiness, because she lives most of the rest of her short life essentially imprisoned at Wuthering Heights. Then she dies after Linton in born, showing Heathcliff stole her innocence and her life.

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