Thursday, January 9, 2014

HTRLLAP Chapter 3

          There are several essentials to the Vampire story, including an older man with outdated values, a young female, a stripping away of her youth, continuance of life force for older male, and the death or destruction of the woman.

The only vampire novels I'm really familiar with are the Twilight series which I read along with everyone else back in middle school. Here we go.

Old guy: 100+ year old Edward Cullen, with a set of 100+ year old values to match.
Young Female: Stupid 17 year old Bella Swan.
Youth Stripping: Bella can't feasibly be youthful when she has so many dang problems, including her obsessive love for Edward, her depression when he leaves her, struggling vampire and werewolf relationships, getting chased around by crazy Italian vampires, marrying Edward when she's not much older that 18, getting pregnant with his monster child that literally almost kills her, and eventually becoming a vampire herself. Stressful life.
Life Force Continuance: Edward is basically rejuvenated when Bella shows up and he has someone to talk to that isn't his "parents" or "siblings."
Death/ Destruction: While Bella unfortunately never really dies, her human form does get destroyed when she is turned into a vampire for real.

But really, Bella is the vampire. She strips Edward of any youth he as left, basically ruins his life for a few years, he is her reason to continue living, and she destroys his peace and happiness.

Boy, did I hate this junk.

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