Friday, January 10, 2014

HTRLLAP Chapter 8

          One piece that I also read in junior high (I think that's all I did, for a while I read through a new 200 page book everyday) is Beastly by Alex Flinn. This book is basically a modern day Beauty and the Beast, which is both a traditional fairytale and beloved Disney classic. The parallels are as follows: jerk guy has a spell cast on him to make him ugly, he must be loved to return to his normal state, a girl in a tough situation gets essentially taken prisoner, she eventually falls in love with him, has to go away, but comes back where she says she loves him and he changes back into his human form.
          I hate this book, because it's a total copout. The author barely creates any part of her own plot, so the entire novel is ironic because it's supposed to be this touching teen romance but is totally just the Disney version set in modern day. There are other books, like Ella Enchanted that allude to fairytales as well (Cinderella) that take creative license such as Ella getting run over by a horse, which deepens appreciation.

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