Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Eveline Freewrite

          Perhaps one of the scarier things in life for those of us still in high school is the impending COLLEGE. While this sentence doesn't make a lot of sense - college being a noun and not a verb which would belong at the end of that sentence - it's still very true. College is the biggest leap of faith many of us will ever take. You're leaving home, and everything you're familiar with, to go to a big place far away to learn stuff that you don't even know if it will benefit whatever career you end up in. How terrifying. Choosing a major is basically choosing what to dedicate what feels like the rest of your life to, at 18 years old. I, at 18, am still pretty clueless as to what I'll want to do when I'm 30, 40, or 50. I have to get an education, though, so I'll pick something. Perhaps Biology, or Geology.
          The Dorm Room. A tiny space to share your most intimate personal things with someone you've never met for a whole year. How will you wake up on time? Will you hate each other? What's the bathroom situation? This is something I'm personally terrified of. Here at North, there's always a bathroom within a one minute walk, but I don't know how that will be up at Northwest. Crap. Literally.

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